Learning for Life

Secondary Title

Learning 4 Life is an opportunity for kids and adults alike to gather for food, fun and learning. Beginning on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13th,

and meeting weekly on Thursdays through November 17th.

Each evening will begin at 5:30pm with a light dinner.

Opening worship and devotion at 6pm.

Classes/activities/childcare from 6:20-7:15pm.

Classes for Adults:

Pastor Dave will be teaching Life With God

a basic overview of what it means to follow Jesus

A Guest Teacher will be teaching the basics of

Money Management & Home Finances

Classes for Children, ages 6 & up:

Catching the Rhythm - the beginnings of learning to play a percussion instrument.

Fun, interactive & noisy!

Basic Art - a variety of art projects for kids

Childcare is available for children under 6 years old.

Children MUST be accompanied by an adult (attending a class)

Click Here to Register

Come and help make this new effort a success & invite others to join!