New Here?

Welcome to Saint Trinity!

Being the LIFE, LIGHT, and HOPE  of Jesus since 1859.  

"For where two or three gather in my name,

there am I with them."



Visiting a new church can be scary.
(We get it!)

We want to make it less scary.

Let us tell you a little about our church, our community, our worship services, and what to expect when you walk in the doors. 

  • Sunday morning services start at 10:00am.  We encourage you to arrive a few minutes early so you can grab a snack and  find a place you’d like to sit. Don't worry if you're running late, you won't be alone!  The doors will bring you into the back of the church, and you can pick a spot where you feel comfortable.

  • There are a number of parking options.  Many people park on the street or in the lower parking lot (corner of Vermont and Koeln) fi they are able to walk up steps.  There is also an accessible lot available by coming up the alley between Vermont Ave and Virginia Street.  The secure lot is next to the sanctuary and you are welcome to use the ramp to come in the side door.

  • Don't stress over what to wear!  We're just happy to see you.  You'll see a whole range of wardrobes at our congregation—from jeans and a T-shirt to suit and tie.   No matter what you wear you'll be welcome.  

  • At Saint Trinity our weekly worship gatherings are a joyful celebration.  We celebrate and receive the gifts of God in his Word and Supper.  We celebrate the unique and diverse community of people God has called together at Saint Trinity.  We celebrate what it means to be love and adopted by God our heavenly Father.   Our time together is accepting and welcoming to all.

    What does all that celebrating look like?  We read and listen to  God's Word. We sing songs of praise  (both new and old, organ and guitar). We confess our sins together and hear God's word of  forgiveness.  We are taught from God' Word. We offer our prayers and our offerings.  We like to say that our worship time at Saint Trinity is "respectfully informal."  Come worship with us.  We trust God will bless your time.  Oh, and if you want to check us out you can watch some of our previous worship services here.

  • We love and pray for families and children at Saint Trinity and kids are always welcome in worship.  There are activity bags in the entrance area of church.  There is almost always a children's message.  We get that sometimes kids are wiggly and have things to say.  That's OK.  If they need more room to roam there is plenty of space to crawl and run in our welcome area and there is a TV that broadcasts the service at the same time.   On Sundays from August - June we have Sunday School for kids who are 3 years and up that meets in the parish house and children and youth activities t other times throughout the year.

Still nervous?

It's ok.

If you have any questions or want to talk to someone in our community, please reach out to us.  We'd love to chat with you!